container, homes, green, konti, shipping, sustainable

Build your future

We make modular spaces to create sustainable and resilient communities. Your safety is our priority. From residential to commercial and anything in between.Our LEED accredited team is ready to help you build back greener!

USGBC® and the related logo are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.

USGBC® and the related logo are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.

Transportable, modular, container, shipping, sustainable, home

Forget the headaches.
Our one-stop shop will take care of your needs.

Our mission was born after Hurricane María, when our lead designer was working for FEMA as a construction inspector, and realized that the biggest problem with housing in Puerto Rico was the lack of accessibility to proper construction. When the median income in Puerto Rico is approximately $20,000 and the median house costs around $100,000 the math just does not add up. KONTi was born as our team set up to find sustainable and resilient solutions that are also cost effective for the majority of our population. Using shipping containers as base structures we have created housing, schooling, and multi-use facilities that are resilient to adverse climatic conditions, self-sustaining, and quickly deployable.Our vision is to build back greener! Building using less resources, recycled materials, and generating less waste. Changing the way we build in order to protect our human existence from the devastating effects of climate change.

container, home, sustainable, green, construction, modular


Our KONTi M1 model is a pre-designed solution with pre-approved permits for all of Puerto Rico.2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, PVC kitchen cabinets, security windows and doors, insulation, certified plans adapted to your property.Prices may vary due to market influx and location


Our KONTi M2 model is a 2 container based pre-designed solution.2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, PVC kitchen cabinets, security windows and doors, insulation, laundry, certified plans adapted to your property.Prices may vary due to market influx and location


Our KONTi M3 model is a 3 container pre-designed solution.3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, PVC kitchen cabinets, security windows and doors, insulation, laundry, certified plans adapted to your property.Prices may vary due to market influx and location

certified, design, construction, home, modular, container, green

Residential projects

With our architectural and engineering team KONTi can design and build a variety of residential projects. From design to installation and permitting; we take care of you.Just let us know what you need and we'll make your home come true.

Book a Consult!

studio, recording, tv, modular, business, container, custom

Commercial projects

Have a business idea? Let us help you build it.Your time-to-market is cut by almost half. Creative buildings that will make your clients want to come back.Think restaurant, Airbnb, hotels, office buildings, apartments for rent, etc.What is your business?

container, home, building, modular, sustainable, recycle, design

Creative team

Have any other cool ideas?Let's work together to make them a reality.

Sustainable design

We believe that Puerto Rico and the Caribbean needs to challenge the way we think about construction. We have a variety of features to help you live a sustainable and resilient lifestyle.

Solar, Energy, Systems, sustainable, green, homes, business

All of our designs can come with solar energy + storage systems.

Water, Recollection, Treatment, bio, gardens, rain, systems, eco

Reliable water sources with water recollection and treatment systems. Ask us about our eco-friendly solutions.

Transportable, modular, container, shipping, homes, build, eco

Let us help you take your home anywhere you want with land and sea transport.

Let us build your dreams.

If you think a resilient and sustainable lifestyle is for you, please contact us.

Thank you!

Below read our blog to learn more about how you can take part in making our planet better.

El Agua “By The Numbers”

pendientes a este artículo, será publicado en el periódico del colegio de químicos de puerto rico.

Todos sabemos que el planeta Tierra es 3/4 partes agua. Pero sabías que el 96% de esta es salina? Del agua fresca (el restante 4%), 68% está congelada y 30% es subterránea. Nos deja solamente 2% del agua fresca (0.08% de toda el agua en el planeta) para repartir entre suelos, atmósfera, ríos, pantanos, lagos, organismos, etc. NADA!Esta poca agua la usamos hasta más no poder; consumo, recreación, producción de energía, agricultura, etcétera. La agricultura solamente utiliza el 70% del agua fresca disponible. Y después de utilizarla? La devolvemos al medio ambiente, pero no en las mismas condiciones, sin el debido tratamiento, con efectos dañinos a la salud humana, la productividad económica y la calidad de los recursos de agua y ecosistemas. Además, sabías que 1 galón de aceite inutiliza 1,000,000 de galones de agua fresca!Según el Informe sobre el Desarrollo del Agua de las Naciones Unidas de 2017, en promedio solo el 70% de las aguas municipales e industriales, en países de alto ingreso, son tratadas. Este número se reduce a 38% y 28% en países de alto-mediano ingreso y mediano-bajo ingreso, respectivamente. Aún peor, en países de bajo ingreso, apenas 8% del agua usada recibe algún tipo de tratamiento antes de ser descargada.Pregúntate, cuántas veces al día tú abres el grifo? Desde que te levantas y vas a lavarte los dientes, dejaste el agua corriendo? Al fregar, cuánta agua crees que gastas? Sabías que en una ducha de 10 minutos utilizas más de 20 galones de agua?La demanda de agua se estima que va a aumentar significativamente en las próximas décadas. Dos terceras partes (2/3) de la población mundial viven al presente en áreas que se enfrentan a escasez de agua por lo menos un mes al año. Alrededor de 500 millones de personas viven en regiones donde la demanda de agua para consumo más que duplica los recursos renovables disponibles.El cambio climático presenta proyecciones futuras de variaciones en el ciclo del agua, tanto espaciales como de temporadas, creando discrepancias entre oferta y demanda de agua. La frecuencia y severidad de inundaciones y sequías ha aumentado creando grandes cambios alrededor del mundo con consecuencias socio-económicas y ambientales. Lo hemos visto y sufrido en carne propia. Recuerdas la sequía del 1994? O las 6 pulgadas de lluvia que cayeron en menos de 2 horas, allá para el 2013? Segúramente te impactaron de algún modo.La deforestación complica todo esto. Un terreno con cubierta vegetal natural infiltra el 50% de la precipitación, la evapotranspiración de las plantas se encarga del 40% de la precipitación y solamente se pierde, corre, el 10%. En zonas con el 75-100% de superficie impermeable (ciudades) solamente infiltra el 15% de la precipitación, 30% de evapotranspiración y el 55% se convierte en escorrentía (“runoff”). Esta escorrentía no solamente es agua no utilizada, sino que además arrastran contaminantes hasta los cuerpos de agua llegando a ser, según estudios, una de las fuentes principales de contaminación de las aguas superficiales.Ante este escenario tenebroso podemos hacer muchísimo!
Todos conocemos las tres R: reduce, reusa y recicla.
Reduce el consumo de agua, la impermeabilización de terrenos, la deforestación y la
contaminación. Esta última no es solo no contaminar los cuerpos de agua, sino además los terrenos, recordando que todo lo que está en el camino será arrastrado por la escorrentía hasta los cuerpos de agua (recuerda los desperdicios de nuestras mascotas). Reduce la escorrentía aumentando las áreas permeables (sembradas o cubiertas de materiales permeables) y los sistemas de recolección de agua de lluvia y de escorrentía (jardines de agua, charcas de retención).
Reusa aguas de escorrentía y aguas grises. Utiliza sistemas de recolección de agua de lluvia para su uso (drones, cisternas). Instala sistemas de aguas grises (de lavabos y bañeras) para riego. Recoge el agua mientras esperas a que llegue la caliente y úsala para bajar el inodoro, riego o rellenar la pecera.Recicla: El estudio antes mencionado precísamente se refiere a la limpieza de aguas usadas, a nivel de poderse utilizar como agua limpia, como una manera sustentable de mantener los abastos de agua.Cada pequeño esfuerzo resulta en una ayuda grande. Y tanta agua me ha recordado que donde hay agua, hay hongos! Pero eso es tema para otra ocasión!

By: Gianna Castro Muñiz
C+G Environmental Group

© KONTi Design | Build Studio. All rights reserved.

Sustentabilidad en la era de la antropocena

En la era del Antropoceno el ser humano naturalmente se vuelve competitivo. “Varios seminarios sobre la Segunda Modernidad se han preguntado: ¿Qué deberíamos hacer diferente en este centenario? Diseño en la era del Antropoceno: la era del impacto humano a nivel planetario.” 1Sostenibilidad es el acto de crear un balance para asegurar la supervivencia. Es un balance entre recursos y el camino hacia el futuro; “nuestra necesidad de seguir hacia adelante tecnológica y económicamente, y las necesidades de proteger el ambiente en el que vivimos y otros viven”.2 La sostenibilidad no es solo un camino para salvaguardar el medioambiente, si no un camino para SALVAR NUESTRAS VIDAS.Sabías que “se ha estimado que todos los años usamos aproximadamente 40% más recursos de los que podemos devolver”2 al planeta? ¡Esto tiene que CAMBIAR!La data recolectada hoy día en relación al cambio climático es irrefutable. Antes, había gente que creía que el cambio climático no era real, o por lo menos, no lo suficiente para que les molestase. Por otro lado, hoy día la evidencia científica nos enseña que el cambio climático es muy real, pero además es una gran OPORTUNIDAD.Si se trabaja adecuadamente y “a una escala local y global, y dentro de los límites planetarios”3, este evento global se puede convertir en prospecto para la innovación y el avance socioeconómico.Ya hemos probado que podemos producir energía usando como base recursos renovables y NO fósiles. Por consiguiente, hemos probado que podemos revertir, or por lo menos mejorar algunos aspectos del cambio climático simplemente cambiando la manera en que hacemos las cosas.Así es que KONTi está cambiando la manera en que hacemos las cosas.Entre otras metas, las Naciones Unidas han concluido que un futuro realmente sostenible significa: el fin de la pobreza y el hambre, lograr un mejor sistema de salud y educación, el crecimiento económico promoviendo el trabajo, y para todo esto toma en consideración la salud de la tierra, el aire y las aguas.KONTi nació en Puerto Rico. Y si, vivir en el trópico es maravilloso, y si, significa que puedes ir a la playa y a los ríos todo el año. Sin embargo, vivir en el trópico también viene con un alto precio a pagar. No estoy hablando de tu costo de vida día a día, si no de el hecho que estamos en el primer plano para los efectos del cambio climático. ¿Qué crees que es atractivo de una isla tropical si destruimos todos sus recursos naturales?KONTi quiere ayudar a nuestros clientes a vivir de forma sostenible y resiliente; queremos TU seguridad.Es por esto que nos esforzamos para diseñar y construir espacios innovadores y creativos siguiendo los códigos de construcción y usando como estructura base lo que de otro modo terminaría en un cementerio contaminando y acaparando espacio: contenedores de envío (o vagones de acero).Reduce, Reusa, Recicla. Las famosos tres “R’s”.A través de nuestro trabajo propiciamos la salud de la tierra, el aire y las aguas REDUCIENDO la cantidad de materiales necesarios para construir nuestras estructuras; REUSANDO contenedores de envío para nuestras estructuras; y RECICLANDO las partes de las paredes de los contendores que cortamos para otras estructuras dentro de nuestros diseños.En fin, todos debemos trabajar para crear un ambiente sostenible para nosotros y nuestras familias. De esta manera podemos crear un efecto dominó donde la oportunidad y la innovación pueden prosperar. Más aún tomemos la responsabilidad de auto educarnos y educar nuestras familias. Tomen la responsabilidad de salvar sus vidas.


Prof. Robert Cowherd, WIT University
Johan Rockstöm, 2015

by: Arq. Carla Gautier, AIT, M.Arch

© KONTi Design | Build Studio. All rights reserved.

Sustainability in the age of Anthropocene

In the age of the Anthropocene human kind is wired towards competitive behaviour. “Four previous Second Modernity seminars have taken up the question: What should design do differently in the 21st century? Design in the Anthropocene: the age of human impact at a planetary scale.” 1Sustainability is the act of creating a balance to ensure survival. A balance between resources and the path forward; “our need to move forward technologically and economically, and the needs to protect the environments in which we and others live.”2 Sustainability is not only a path to save the environment, it is a path to SAVE YOURSELF.Did you know that “it is estimated that we use about 40% more resources every year than we can put back”?2 This needs to CHANGE!The data that has been collected up to this day in regards to global climate change is irrefutable. Before, there were people that believed that climate change was not real, or at least not a real concern. On the contrary, today’s evidence shows that climate change is not only a very real concern but also a grand OPPORTUNITY.If dealt with properly and at a “local and global scale and within the planetary boundaries,” 3 this global event can become a prospect for innovation and social and economic advance.We have already proven that we can produce equal energy through means other than fossil fuels. Consequently, we have proven that we can reverse, or at least replenish, some aspects of climate stress by simply changing the way we do things.This is how KONTi is changing the way we do things.Among other goals, the United Nations agrees that a truly sustainable future will: end poverty and hunger, achieve better standards of education and health, produce sustainable economic growth while promoting jobs and stronger economies, and include health of the land, air and sea.KONTi was born in Puerto Rico. Living in the tropics is indeed marvelous, and yes, it means you can go to the beach and rivers all year long. However living in the tropics can come at high cost. And I’m not talking about your day to day cost of living, but the fact that we are at the forefront of the effects of climate change. And what is attractive about a tropical island if we destroy its natural beauty?KONTi wants to help our customers live sustainable and resilient lives, we want to ensure your survival.And this is why we strive towards creating innovative housing and commercial buildings, following the International Building Code, and by giving a new life to what otherwise would end up in a graveyard, contaminating and taking up precious space: shipping containers.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The famous three “R’s”.We promote the health of land, air and sea by REDUCING the amount of construction materials needed to build our structures; by REUSING shipping containers which are structurally sound but have been decommissioned by the maritime industry; and by RECYCLING the material we remove from the walls of the shipping containers to produce other necessary structures within our buildings.In the end, we all need to work towards creating a sustainable environment for ourselves and our immediate lives. This way we can create a ripple effect where opportunity and innovation strives. But most of all take it upon yourselves to educate yourself and your family. Take it upon yourself to make a difference in your life.


Prof. Robert Cowherd, WIT University
Johan Rockstöm, 2015

by: Arq. Carla Gautier, AIT, M.Arch

© KONTi Design | Build Studio. All rights reserved.

Why Use Shipping Containers?

There is a world wide buzz about shipping containers being turned into homes, businesses, and other types of structures. But, why is the world turning towards this end?

Climate Change and how its affecting our Planet

We cannot deny that climate change is happening fast. In the United States alone, everywhere from California, where we are seeing an increasing amount of forest fires that are constantly threatening people’s lives and homes; in Louisiana, Texas, and Florida where hurricanes constantly flood the areas where people live; up north, where winters are becoming longer and more dangerous; and finally in our home land the Caribbean where hurricanes and earthquakes are constantly threatening our way of life, destroying our homes and landscapes and quickly taking back our land to return to the ocean.To really understand how we can take action, we have to take a step back and understand why this is happening in the first place. There is no point in blaming past generations for what they did not think or act upon. But there is no denying that we need to change the way we use resources from now on.We need to find ways to build that are resilient AND that do not continue to impact the planet’s resources and spaces where we build in a negative way.Building our dwellings in this manner impacts the natural environment in a positive way directly where the structure is to be built and indirectly towards a less contaminated world.At KONTi we believe that shipping containers have a 3 way benefit.


Shipping containers are the strongest boxes in the world! They are designed and built to withstand the worst atmospheric conditions: changes in temperature, traveling the ocean for months, waves, waterspouts (tornadoes that form over the ocean), etc.By themselves, they can withstand 175mph impact winds. When attached to a proper foundation, our structural engineers will make sure that demands 250mph designs are met when necessary.Furthermore, when talking about earthquakes, because we are using steel as a base structure, our designs are flexible enough so that your home dances away as needed but does NOT break!


There are over 11 million decommissioned shipping containers in America alone that have been thrown in what they call “container graveyards”.This happens because the manufacturer only gives containers a warranty of 25 years. After the warranty expires, the insurance will not cover damages or loss, therefore it is less risky for the navieras to toss them away, sell, or use them for something else.Every shipping container we buy for a home is one less that goes into the graveyards that add up to pollution.


When we use any material for construction we need to really think about where this material is coming from.For example: Concrete: To make concrete, we need to mine sand from our rivers and explode an entire mountain to obtain the gravel and cement.Can you imagine how many ecosystems and species we are murdering this way?Giving used shipping containers a new purpose and allowing them to be our main structure lowers the need to destroy our planet’s resources and therefore, allows for our planet to heal.

Shipping containers are our vehicle to help reverse climate change. What will you do?

by: Arq. Carla Gautier, AIT, M.Arch

© KONTi Design | Build Studio. All rights reserved.





KONTi Family


Carla Gautier
CEO and Founder
AIT, LEED Green Associate

Carla Gautier, CEO and Founder

Patrick Kelly
Lead Designer
AIT, LEED Green Associate

container, home, building, modular, sustainable, recycle, design

Jorge Rosa
Controller & Construction Manager

container, home, building, modular, sustainable, recycle, design

Fianelli ArveloProject Manager

container, home, building, modular, sustainable, recycle, design

Our LEED Acredited Professionals are ready to help guide you so you can be part of the #buildbackgreener movement.Carla Gautier Castro, AIT, LEED Green Associate is a third generation Puerto Rican architect raised with the guiding belief that community is one of our greatest assets. She earned both her BA and MA in Architecture from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston where she focused on sustainable design.Her passion to create ecologically intelligent designs led her to Berlin, Germany and later to Benin in West Africa, where she learned alternative forms of construction and sustainable living practices.Desiring that architecture serve people, she returned to her roots in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2017. Three months later, Hurricane María hit the island. In an effort to help, Carla worked with FEMA as a construction inspector. There, she observed firsthand how the bureaucratic process frustrated and delayed progress. People were not getting the help they desperately needed, and Carla saw an opportunity to make real change.Together, she and her father worked countless hours to design a house viable for small families that would be strong enough to withstand inclement weather and atmospheric conditions. Unfortunately, natural disasters are imminent. Decades of abusing non-renewable natural resources are devastating not only the island of Puerto Rico, but the entire planet. Carla’s vision is to rebuild houses, schools, and multi-use facilities in Puerto Rico that are sustainable and resilient to severe climate conditions.With that mission, she founded Konti Design Built Studio, a family operated, environmentally conscientious business, to inspire and teach people to move forward after Hurricane María with access to proper, sustainable construction. Her innovative designs use recycled shipping containers as opposed to new, mined materials, and she is committed to helping the island thrive by using local labor and local materials. Carla believes a harmonic synergy between humans and nature is the only path forward, and she has dedicated her life toward building safe housing.In 2020, CNN featured Carla and Konti Design Built Studio as Champions for Change. Based in San Juan, Konti is building affordable hurricane and earthquake-resilient homes equipped with solar panel systems, rainwater collection tanks, and bio garden septic tank systems. She seeks not only solutions for communities in Puerto Rico, but global solutions that will benefit families worldwide.